Larenka Hoareau, Soprano

When Larenka Hoareau interprets Richard Strauss, Puccini or Mozart, she thinks of these verses from Baudelaire’s poem “Correspondances”:
“Like lingering echoes, which afar confound,
Themselves in deep and sombre unity,
As vast as night and like transplendency,
The scents and colors to each other respond. “
For Larenka Hoareau, singing, walking in a protected nature, bringing this nature to light, proceed from the same energy, the same momentum. “Magnify nature by painting it with genius like Cezanne, by painting it with love like an amateur painter. Magnify nature by describing it brilliantly like Victor Hugo, by smelling it like a Sunday walker. Magnify nature by singing when one interprets Ravel or Debussy”. For Larenka Hoareau, it is a surge of the heart. This is why the purpose of Alive!‘s project goes straight to her heart.

Larenka Hoareau is a graduate of the Musikhochschule in Köln (Germany) in lyrical singing where she was a student of the famous bass Hans Sotin. Throughout her career, Larenka Hoareau met masters like Jean-Christophe Benoît and Rachel Yakar. As a soprano, Larenka Hoareau interpreted roles as different as: the young woman in The Human Voice, Serpina in The Servant Mistress, Woglinde in Rheingold, Adèle in The Bat, the Queen of the Night in The Magic Flute, Musette in La Bohême. Larenka Hoareau was directed by Yakov Kreizberg, Roland Boer, Markus Bosch, Theodor Guschlbauer, Andreas Stoer, Peter Marx. She performed in Germany with Matthias Lademann or Lida Zournatsi. Today, Larenka Hoareau is accompanied by Pierre Laïk, Nathalie Lanoé or Anne Guidi.